When you throw a house party, you want it to be successful. You want people to go home thinking “what a great party” and waiting for the next one. The party as a whole is important, but it’s the details that need the most attention. As a host, you want to make your guests feel the best way possible. Create a nice playlist, come up with tasty and different dishes to serve, decorate the space to feel welcoming, and, of course, have Philly Snap Booth come over and take care of the photos!!
For Halloween, Philly Snap Booth was able to help Cultural Care Au Pair LCC Laura make it memorable for her Au Pairs. Au Pairs are exchange students that come from all over the world to spend up to two years in the U.S. studying and working with their host families.
As a Local Childcare Consultant (LCC), Laura’s job is to look after the Au Pairs in her cluster and give them the support they need throughout their time in the U.S. To catch up with them, she hosts monthly meetings. Since most Au Pairs don’t celebrate Halloween in their home country, Laura threw a typical american house party to give them the taste of this american date. To add on the fun, she had Philly Snap Booth set up a spooky Halloween booth so everybody could register this moment forever!
Pumpkins, a floor-to-ceiling glitter backdrop and amazing costumes made the photos look incredible. Throughout the party, the guests would line up waiting for their chance to take photos and make gifs. People coming together in order to have fun: that was what it was all about! There were people from nine countries in the party: South Africa, Great Britain, Sweden, Brazil, Colombia, Puerto Rico, USA, Poland and China!! Check the photo gallery with the party’s best moments:
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